We're here to make your life easier!
Booking appointments can be a challenge, now you can do it on your own!
Appointment Booking- reserved for current clients ONLY
If you are not a current client your booking will be cancelled. If you want to get started with services, please click here: GET STARTED
INDIVIDUAL CLIENTS ONLY one hour meeting, book here:
Individual clients book herehttps://calendly.com/dearcoparent/individual-session-with-robin
JOINT CLIENTS ONLY: (Co-parenting, mediation, PPC) one hour, book here:
Only book this time if both parties have agreed to the selected time. After booking please send a copy of your email agreement where both parties confirm availability for the scheduled time to [email protected] indicating that everyone agrees to the date and time selected for the meeting. Only one person should book the appointment.
Client portal:
Click here to access your client portal where you can send messages, pay your bills, or upload files: