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Resources for Parents


Our Children First

Online access to the LA County Court's mediation orientation/parent education program, Our Children First.

Families Change

This site (designed for people living in Canada) has several universal guides for parents, teens, and kids about handling separation and divorce.


A film telling the kids' side of divorce and sharing their feelings.

Parenting Plan Template

A template to assist parents and their professional advisors in developing child-focused parenting plans.

Time Guide

A guide to children's developmental milestones and visitation suggestions for each age and stage of development.

Law Offices of Robin Sax

Visit the page for the main law practice of Robin Sax, founder of Dear Co-Parent.

Parent Communication Resources



An app that helps parents communicate effectively and make decisions that put the wellbeing of their children first.

Our Family Wizard

Online tools to help your family manage shared parenting. (Please note: This is a paid service.)

Talking Parents

Helps co-parents communicate effectively. Avoid child custody disputes and minimize tension by having a record of past conversations that can't be edited after the fact.

Resources for Professionals


AFCC: Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

An international and interdisciplinary association dedicated to the constructive resolution of family disputes.

AFCC's Family Resources and Parenting Coordination


Resources about co-parenting and tools to set up co-parenting plans.

IACP: International Academy of Collaborative Professionals

Site of the umbrella organization for Collaborative Practice (Collaborative Law, Collaborative Divorce) and information for subscriptions to the Collaborative Review.

CPCAL: Collaborative Practice California

Site of the umbrella organization for Collaborative Practice in California.

The Collaborative Divorce

The mission of the Collaborative Divorce is to offer an effective, coordinated, and affordable approach to divorce settlement through the team approach: the collaborative lawyer, divorce counselor, child counselor, and financial counselor.

Conflict resolution resources, an index of professionals, and information about mediation.

Legal/Advocacy Services


Alliance for Children's Rights

The Alliance fights to provide stability for children in foster care and those at risk of entering foster care by helping them obtain access to mental and medical healthcare, educational services, benefits, housing, and more.

Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law

The Center protects victims of domestic violence and works to improve the well-being of children living in poverty. With the help of volunteers, the Center provides free family law assistance and legal education to the poor.

Levitt Quinn Non-Profit Family Law Center

Levitt & Quinn provides affordable legal help to families who are unable to get assistance from traditional legal services providers, or to afford private attorney services.

Resources for Free or Low-Cost Therapy


Violence Intervention Program

Provides assistance and resources to those who have suffered abuse or trauma.

Vista del Mar

Provides comprehensive, family-centered social, educational, and behavioral health services that encourage children and families to lead self-reliant, stable, and productive lives.

Child Support Calculator



The most-widely-used child and temporary spousal support calculator in California that is certified by the Judicial Council.

The presumptively correct amounts of child and temporary spousal support are based on algebraic formulas, so family law judges, attorneys and parties rely on this computer software to run the support calculations. The software is also available at most courthouse self-help centers.

California-Focused Resources:


LA County Superior Court Family Law Forms

A direct link to the LA County Superior Court Family law page where all the forms you might need that are related to family are found. (If you need help navigating this, please contact Dear Co-Parent.)

LA County Department of Mental Health

Mental health services include assessments, case management, crisis intervention, medication support, peer support and other rehabilitative services.

Los Angeles Superior Court Office of the Family Law Facilitator

The Office of the Family Law Facilitator assists parties with child support, spousal support and health insurance issues. Staff attorneys and paralegals conduct workshops and meet with parties individually to attempt to resolve their support issues. The staff does not give legal advice nor does it represent a particular party in an action. There is no confidentiality not attorney-client relationship created or intended between the office and a party.

Phone numbers:

Tel: 213-974-5004 (Central District Stanley Mosk Courthouse)

Tel: 213-351-8113 (Central Civil West)

Tel: 310-603-3218 (Compton)

Tel: 562-491-6432 (Long Beach)

Tel: 310-222-1714 (Torrance)

Tel: 562-807-7504 (Norwalk)

Tel: 626-356-5030 (Pasadena)

Tel: 818-374-7108 (Van Nuys)

Tel: 818-898-2606 (San Fernando)

Tel: 818-557-3583 (Burbank)

Video Resources


Dear Co-Parent has made a series of videos that outline some of the important aspects of co-parenting and her approach to mediating issues.

Watch More Videos


Books & Publications


Bienenfeld, Florence. Helping Your Child Through Divorce. 1995

Berger, Stuart. Divorce Without Victims. 1986

Cohen, Miriam. The Joint Custody Handbook. 1991

Gardner, Richard A. The Parents' Book About Divorce. 1991

(Gardner is a child psychiatrist.)

Hansen, Deb. Broken Strings: Wisdom for Divorced and Separated Families. 2007

(Hansen is a writer and parenting educator.)

Jones- Soderman, Jill, Quattrocchi, Allison, & Steinberg, Sheila. How To Talk To Your Children About Divorce. 2006

 Neuman, M. Gary. Helping Your Kids Cope With Divorce The Sandcastles Way. 1998

Neuman, a couselor and rabbi, is the creator of Sandcastles TM – a 3.5 hour program, available in Miami and other cities, that encourages children to speak, draw, write and otherwise express their feelings about divorce. This book is for parents who don't have access to the program.

Schab, Lisa. The Divorce Workbook For Children: Help For Kids To Overcome Difficult Family Changes And Grow Up Happy. 2008

Activities to teach kids to stay out of the middle, communicate their needs, and cope with stress and change.

Sommers-Flanagan, Elander, & Sommers-Flanagan. Don't Divorce Us!: Kids Advice To Divorcing Parents. 2000

Stewart, Copeland, Chester, Malley, & Barenbaum. Separating Together: How Divorce Transforms Families. 1997

 Turner, Kristine. Mommy and Daddy Are Getting Divorced: Helping Children Cope With Divorce. 2010

A read-along-with-your-children book.

Wallerstein, Judith, Lewis, Julia & Blakeslee, Sandra. The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: A 25 Year Landmark Study. 2001

 Warshak, Richard. Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing. 2010

Dr. Warshak has also created a DVD designed to help children and teens see family issues from another perspective and so avoid parental alienation and taking sides. The DVD is available here.


    287 S. Robertson Blvd, Suite 375
    Beverly Hills, CA 90211

    Offices located in Los Angeles, Palm Desert, Texas, Washington DC as well as virtually all over the world.
